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International day of information security

On November 30, the “International Day of Information Security” is celebrated, with the intention of raising awareness of the risks that exist both for the teams themselves and for the information it contains.

The security of the information is a subject of great debate at present and is that every day we are faced with endless threats. Therefore, without reaching the obsession, if it is necessary to take a series of precautions.

The National Institute of Communication Technology (INTECO) has developed a set of tips on computer security that we would like to review in this post.

Antivirus systems

Every computer must have an antivirus. Periodic analyzes are necessary to avoid possible infections. Nowadays there are many tools that, accompanied by an adequate management, almost completely minimize the risks of infection.


An adequate backup strategy is basic. The computer equipment suffers failures, erasures or loss of information.

Security incidents

The first thing is to identify the incident and classify it according to its typology, the affected team, its level of incidence, etc. It is the most precise way to counteract it.

Security patches

Once a vulnerability is detected, software companies quickly make available updates called security patches.

You should visit frequently the web sites of the companies that create such software and install the appropriate updates.

Management of monitoring

It is a warning system for possible cuts, loss of service or specific failures. In addition, they provide periodic reports of each element, thus having a record and a forecast of those changes or substitutions in the software, avoiding subsequent failures that may be insurmountable.

Password management

You must have a password change protocol. Passwords pass through many hands, which can pose a security problem.

Therefore, the password of the public Wi-Fi must be changed periodically, the passwords of the users of the active directory must be activated or the keys of the equipment in production must be modified. It is a way to ensure that workers have access to the resources necessary to fulfill their function.

User Management

Sometimes, a user is not properly lowered into the systems or there is a user left that was not taken into account. To avoid this, you must program reports that warn of inactive users and be able to eliminate or disable the access accounts to the server that are not necessary.


It is a software designed to guarantee the security of communications made over the internet. It acts by blocking the entries without authorization to the computer and restricts the output of information.

Software must be installed as long as there is a permanent connection to the internet.

Legal Software

An illegal software, in addition to breaking the law, may contain viruses, spyware or files incompatible with those of the computer in question, which causes instability in the computer.

Nor should rely much on those free files that are downloaded from unknown websites, as they can be a way of spreading viruses. All those files that are downloaded from a web page must be analyzed.

The email

The emails, before opening them must be previously analyzed, as they may contain a virus. Any e-mail that may be suspicious should be directly deleted.

Help others

Do not contribute to the distribution of virus jokes, alarms or chain letters. Neither answer SPAM messages, doing so would be implying the e-mail address and their contacts.

We hope that these tips have been of your use. If you are interested in information security or computer security, do not hesitate to contact us, our specialized cyber security department will be happy to help you.