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Guide to integrate twitter in an event

Twitter has become one of the essential tools to get an impact of an event. A tool that allows you to announce the event in advance, awaken the interest of the public and interact with them directly and in real time. We offer you a basic guide to integrate Twitter into an event in an effective way.

Why use Twitter?

Twitter is a perfect communication channel for the promotion of the event. Announcing the celebration of this event in advance will allow increasing interest and participation in it. The use of Twitter in events proactively will contribute to generating greater anticipation prior to its celebration; capture followers (which translates into possible attendees to the event); promotion and viralization; promote networking, and measure the online impact of the event.

In the face of the event, it is important to organize and plan a Twitter communication strategy, based primarily on the before, during and after the event.

Before the event: create a profile and its own hashtag

If the company or brand organizing the event has a relevant presence on Twitter, it is more advisable to channel the communication of the event through said profile and create a hashtag of the event itself. However, if the organizer does not have a presence on Twitter, it is convenient to set up a profile and position it in the online environment: creating a related community, through the capture of followers and a certain continuous communication activity, beyond the event itself .

Any event that you want to communicate through Twitter must have a unique, short and easy to remember hashtag. The best thing is a hashtag based on the name of the event that in a slogan. The acronyms or names of the event, followed by the year is the most recommended.

To favor the promotion of the hashtag, and therefore, of the event, it is essential to give maximum visibility in the social network. To do this, the hashtag must appear on the bio of the Twitter account, on the website of the event and the organizing company, press releases, etc. It is highly recommended, the realization of an advertising action through tweets promoted. Use the hashtag in all the tweets that are made about the event, as well as the diffusion between sponsors and ‘influencers’.

Power the use of Twitter during the event

The hashtag will be key during the development of the event. It is important not only to remember the hashtag in the program or brochure, but also to put your personal Twitter along with the name of the speakers, which will favor greater interaction among the public. Another option is the screens that are placed on the spot, where the event hashtag will be projected or the public tweets in real time (both attendees and online).

It is important to be careful not to project the tweets during a presentation, divert attention from the attendees. It uses the moment of requests and questions, so that the public can interact, in moments of rest, or in those specific moments in which it is requested by the presenter or speakers.

Create content from the organizer profiles

It is advisable to have a good social networking professional to tweet in real time about the event, inform about the presentations, their schedules, or any contrariety or modification that may occur at the last minute. The community manager will be responsible for counting in 140 characters everything that is happening there: statements by the speakers, upload photographs or videos of the act, as well as give a quick and effective response to comments or questions that may be raised by the followers, before, during and even after the event.

It is important to bear in mind that the online broadcasting of the event is also carried out by the assistants themselves, since telling in real time, in the form of tweets, what is happening there is a safe channel to attract new followers and encourage a greater online presence.

Tweet Binder: the importance of monitoring the event

The tracking of the hashtag and Twitter accounts related to the event, will give you very valuable information about the impact that the event is having. Tweet Binder is one of the most recommended tools, since it offers you the possibility of making a comprehensive report of up to 2,000 tweets broken down into percentages of original tweets, answers, retweets and tweets with links or photos. It is considered one of the most complete and best positioned statistical tools in this sector.

Regarding the audience, Binder counts the number of unique users reached and the number of impressions achieved. In addition, we can visualize the total number of participants, average number of followers per participant, average number of tweets per participant, ranking of the most active, most popular participants, with the greatest impact and the highest number of original tweets issued.