Facebook does not stop evolving! Surely you have been watching for a couple of weeks how the live polls have proliferated in the social network. A tool that ensures virality and interaction with Facebook users of your brand or company. We tell you what it is and what benefits you can get.
Photo: La Vanguardia
For those who do not know, these live surveys achieve a great level of interaction, mainly because at the same moment in which the online broadcast starts, notification to Facebook users appears. An essential feature for our customers, which serves to promote and achieve the digital impact that your company or brand needs.
The polls are very simple, the user can vote by clicking among the most common options and more than recognized by Facebook users: ‘I like’, ‘I love’, ‘I enjoy’, … etc. The results are seen instantly by live broadcast with Facebook Live.
The great success of participation in La Vanguardia
The vote, through the live surveys of Facebook, which La Vanguardia newspaper has published a few days ago, has been a genuine success of participation. The survey was aimed at having users vote which player they prefer to be the next Golden Ball. The success has been overwhelming. So much so that in just over three hours the survey had already reached almost one million votes, distributed between Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi, which places it as the largest survey on the winner of the sports award made by a media in Spain.
The surveys of Telecinco with Big Brother
Telecinco is another of the media that is using more than a few weeks to live surveys of Facebook. Taking advantage of the success of the audience of its flagship program: Big Brother, the chain shares a weekly survey on various issues of the program or the contestants themselves. Maybe a way to maintain interest on the program? To promote public opinion on certain issues of the television format? Whatever the intention, virality is assured.
Do you want to do surveys and videos live from your brand’s Facebook profiles? Our Social Media Content department and team puts at your disposal this new functionality for your company or brand. Contact us and you will receive the best advice. Dont miss the chance! Take advantage of this new functionality of Facebook, under the experience and professionalism of our team. The virality and interaction of your brand or company is more than guaranteed!
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