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The passive income of a web as a business model

Passive income is a great opportunity for your website or blog to generate more revenue and increase your profitability. It would be to include a “leg” more to your business model trying to generate income automatically, a mechanized or automated system that does not require physical presence or direct action. If you want to activate this type of income, pay attention to what we are going to tell you.

What are passive income?

A passive business requires a system and that system is managed automatically, generating income without making new investments.

It does not necessarily have to be an Internet-based business, but it is easier for it to be successful through the Internet, because by its nature, it is the perfect platform to create it.

Some examples of passive income

Below we will see some examples of passive income that are very common on the internet;

Sale of digital products

Digital products or also known as infoproducts, are a type of products that are based on selling the author’s knowledge. That is, products whose maximum claim is to learn to do something. The author is usually an expert in a certain subject and creates a product where he explains how to perform a task.

It is a good way to earn money. It requires a low investment and there is the possibility of high profits. It is a valid business model for bloggers but also for companies. The sale of digital products could last over a lifetime and can almost be automated 100%.

Sale of subscriptions to digital services

It is a subscription-based business model that markets access to a product or service with a regular monthly, annual or even customized days.

It is not a new business model, since newspapers, magazines, gymnasiums, among others, have put it into practice. Now on the internet, we find it in music portals, movies, series or soccer channels.

This business model is widely used on the internet due to its great flexibility since it can be based on a fixed, unlimited or limited subscription to a specific number of services.

Third party advertising on your website or blog

It is another way to monetize a website through third-party advertising. It usually comes from ads that advertisers sign up through the Google AdWords service.

This advertising by itself is difficult to become a business model, since it would require a lot of traffic and is a model that is completely in the hands of third parties, with the risk that entails.

Commission for sale of third-party products

Affiliation business models are in vogue, thanks to their low launch costs and their potential profitability, they make it very attractive. Although logically, like all business, it is not so simple.

This model is where the seller, who is usually a company, establishes a reward for those people or businesses, the affiliates, in exchange for bringing customers or even orders.

Internet has been a great driver of this type of business models, since it is easy, you only have to include in the web or blog in question, links to these third-party products and if a visitor clicks and ends up buying, a commission of sale on the owner of the web or blog.

The truth is that live on passive income is nothing new, but if the new digital economy gives the opportunity to use them better. If you have a blog or a website that you would like to monetize, get in touch with our team. We will be happy to help you.